The official charter was accepted at the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in March of 1972 in Chicago, IL. Charter members were: Marc Boesen, Mt Marty College, Glen Peterson, Augustana College, & Don Allen, Yankton College.
The first President during the 1972-73 year was Don Allen, Yankton College who resigned during the year before the charter was approved. Glen Peterson was then appointed President.
Learn more about the history of the Association here.
Our Executive Board was established to oversee the function and viability of the Association. The Board consists of a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Professional Development Officer, Communications Officer, Public Institution Member-At-Large, a Private Institution Member-At-Large, a Tech College Member-At-Large, and an additional Member-At-Large.
The Executive Board meets regularly twice a year: prior to the Annual Conference and at the annual retreat held sometime during the months of May-July.
Communications Officer